Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be adrift on a raft in the middle of a vast body of water? No? Now you can with Raft, a first person survival game where you are (you guessed it) adrift on a raft in the middle of a vast body of water.
Water, Water, Everywhere…
Survival is tough when you’re stuck on a raft. After all, if you remember your Coleridge, you’ll know that not only is the ocean a harsh environment, but all of that water around you is undrinkable as well. So to survive in Raft you’ll need to use the limited tools at your disposal to try and collect and gather some of that debris that’s floating around you. Once you do, you can craft some of that flotsam and jetsam into something useful, like shelter for example. However, it’s not all fun and games because the ocean harbors some perils of its own (aside from being one huge watery peril), such as sharks and god knows what else, so staying alive is key. Hey, Raft isn’t billed as a survival game for nothing.
Raft is still a prototype but you can checkout the trailer here and give it a whirl on Itch:
Developer: Raft Developer
Get it on Itch.io for Windows, Mac and Linux