Skiing With ‘Snow!’ December 15, 2019February 19, 2021SteveO Comment Man, it’s the middle of December and no thanks to climate change, there is absolutely no snow on the ground in my town’s [...]
Monolith: Lock On At Breakneck Speed May 2, 2017May 3, 2017SteveO 1 While checking in on to see what was new amidst the onslaught of various colourful and flashy games, we were drawn to [...]
Adrift at sea with Raft January 31, 2017January 28, 2023SteveO Comment Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be adrift on a raft in the middle of a vast body of [...]
Lemma: Immersive first person parkour January 13, 2017May 15, 2021SteveO Comment Many parkour style video games that we’ve come across mainly involve just running and jumping which of course, is fine in itself. After [...]
Where Is My Hammer August 10, 2016September 18, 2020SteveO 1 Where Is My Hammer: Destroy Everything! is a game from a few years back (circa 2014) and has a pretty self explanatory title [...]