Looks like it’s that time of year again where we upgrade our various Fedora installations to the latest release which is Fedora 32 as of April 28, 2020. The update comes at time where dnf is broken on my laptop and unable to update without running into the old xx.i686 conflicts with file from package xxx error. This kind of conflict can occur after you’ve installed packages without having everything up to date which is an issue that happens from time to time. Did this happen in my case? Possibly. Can I trace what happened? Maybe. Do we want to? Well, after spending way too much time troubleshooting beyond simply running yum clean all , I decided to just wait for the next Fedora upgrade and move on.
As usual, you can follow these simple steps to upgrade to Fedora 32.
Upgrading to Fedora 32
1. Upgrade all installed packages:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
2. Reboot. In general it is good practice to reboot at this stage especially if there was a kernel update:
sudo reboot
3, Install the Fedora upgrade utility:
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
4. Begin the upgrade by downloading the new packages:
sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=32
5. Reboot and finalize the upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
I’m happy to say that after upgrading to Fedora 32, dnf is fixed and functional and software updates are now working without throwing conflict errors. Great! We can move on with our lives while enjoying all the new features available in Fedora 32:
New features in Fedora 32
Here are just some of the new features and version upgrades in Fedora 32 (in no particular order). You can also check out the entire changelog on the Fedora Wiki
– GNOME upgraded to GNOME 3.36
– Binutils upgraded to Binutils 2.3
– Glibc upgraded to Glibc 2.31
– Python upgraded to Python 3.8 (Python 2 has been officially removed/retired)
– Ruby upgraded to Ruby 2.7
– PHP upgraded to PHP 7.4
– MariaDB upgraded to MariaDB 10.4
– LLVM 10
– EarlyOOM enabled by default – for better management and detection of out of memory events
– Restart services at end of rpm transaction
And that’s it for now. Enjoy your shiny new Fedora 32 installation!
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