Typoman: In Other Words…

Browsed the Steam store this morning looking for something visually appealing and Typoman won the game of “catching our attention”.  At first, Typoman is just another beautiful looking game with rich storyboards and a striking visual style. What comes next is all gravy and icing on the cake or whatever food-based descriptor you wish to use. Typoman employs the use of maneuverable letters to help our main character solve various word puzzles to help propel through the game. If you’ve ever played Boggle or any kind of word scrambler, you already have an idea about what makes a puzzle platformer like Typoman tick.

As a character made out of letters, you have the ability to arrange words which will have an effect on your immediate environment. Words that you encounter may be scrambled, or in fact might be anagrams, so you’ll have to choose your words wisely because the outcome may have dire consequences.

Check out the Typoman gameplay trailer below:

Developer: Brainseed Factory
Offcial Site: Typoman
Get it on Itch and on Steam

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