Cuphead Runs (and Guns) Out of the Gate October 14, 2017SteveO Comment The long awaited and oft-delayed Cuphead from Canadian game dev studio StudioMDHR has just been released and it has not disappointed players. Seemingly [...]
Precision and Intuition: Unbalance September 25, 2017September 26, 2017SteveO Comment We love our minimalist puzzle games and once we spotted Unbalance from Turkish developers Tvee Games, we just knew we would have to [...]
Lemma: Immersive first person parkour January 13, 2017May 15, 2021SteveO Comment Many parkour style video games that we’ve come across mainly involve just running and jumping which of course, is fine in itself. After [...]
Auralux: Constellations: More is More June 17, 2016December 27, 2021SteveO Comment Auralux: Constellations, the long awaited sequel to 2013’s Auralux was recently released on June 1st and boasts a host of brand new features. [...]
Reversion – The Escape: Trapped in a hospital! January 18, 2016September 18, 2020SteveO Comment I’m going to say right off the bat that Reversion – The Escape has a few issues that hold it back even though [...]
Setting up Steam with Fedora 23 in 2 easy steps January 4, 2016October 4, 2020SteveO Comment Everyone loves Valve‘s Steam and one of the best things about the whole system is that they’ve worked really hard to make sure [...]