Unity: How to Create a Learning AI November 9, 2020December 24, 2020SteveO Comment If you’re interested in creating AI elements to use in your video game, there are a few different approaches to take. We wanted [...]
Unity: How to Create a Simple Follow AI For Your Game July 10, 2020January 3, 2021SteveO 1 Following up on our post from a few months ago about how to create basic wander AI in Unity, this post will discuss [...]
[Solved] Unity3D: error CS1644: Feature `out variable declaration’ cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 4.0 language specification October 23, 2019April 26, 2022SteveO 1 Good old Unity error CS1644. Unity has hundreds if not thousands of error codes and if we were to write about all of [...]