Big Hunter: Defeat the beast August 21, 2016April 16, 2021SteveO Comment KAKAROD INTERACTIVE‘s Big Hunter takes you back to a time when you had to hunt for survival and every day depended on you [...]
Doofus Drop excels at being moronic…and wins July 6, 2016September 10, 2020SteveO Comment Doofus Drop is one of those games that you can openly call silly and stupid without insulting it. Yes, those adjectives (and more) [...]
PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist March 19, 2016December 28, 2021SteveO Comment Late last year, PewDiePie (you must know who PewDiePie is by now) teamed up with tiny Montreal based developers Outerminds Inc. to bring [...]