Trees: Oh those forest stalwarts. Givers of life, supplying oxygen and shelter to earth’s creatures. Ancient stewards of the environment that they are! And what would we do without them? And more importantly, how does one be a tree?
How to Be a Tree poses this very query and you can find out as well by playing this wacky 2D platformer on The gameplay itself employs the type of physics based movement similar to what we’ve seen in games like QWOP and Daddy Long Legs. With that said, How to Be a Tree does not spoon feed you instructions so you’ll need to pay attention and explore a bit and as you do, the game will begin to unravel, and “branch out” (pun intended) to reveal more levels. In fact, How to Be a Tree has more than one ending (rocket tree anyone?) for you to discover/explore/solve as you familiarize yourself with this curiosity of a game.
Get tree-like and check out some of How to Be a Tree’s gameplay here:
Developer: Zaphos
Check out How to Be a Tree on