Cthulhu Virtual Pet: Are You the Slave or the Master?

Following in the classic virtual pet tradition which started way back in 1996 with Bandai‘s Tamagotchi, Cthulhu Virtual Pet gives you your very own virtual baby Cthulhu to care for and keep happy while it grows big and strong, pestering you all the while like you might expect. This game should appeal to both fans of Lovecraft and philistines alike.

“I’m stinky. I don’t like it – Cthulhu”

So how do you play? It’s simple: you are the proud owner (nay, slave) of a little Cthulhu (I named mine “‘thulu“) and you need to keep it fed, and happy. In fact the very first thing I needed to do was deal with the huge dump it took (left panel). Yes, when baby Cthulhu takes a dump, it’s your job to dispose of it. Once you do that, little Cthulhu will be happy (see right panel).
angry happy cthulu

Yeah. Happy for now. Because if little Cthulhu isn’t happy, it’ll post notifications telling you exactly why. Expect to receive fun notifications such as:

“I’m stinky. I don’t like it.”
“I’m hungry. I ate Francis”

Poor Francis. He was so delicious. Yes, you better listen to Cthulhu and follow its lead or bad things will happen. So feed it, bathe it regularly and keep your little pet Cthulhu happy through activities such as destroying cities and driving witnesses to madness (classic Lovecraft). Of course, all of these activities require available points, which you can generate in various ways.

This brings us to my personal favorite feature of Cthulhu Virtual Pet: The 5 cool mini games within the game. From within Cthulu Virtual Pet, you can access and play a number of awesome little 8-bit style games with which to gain additional points which you can then use to keep Cthulhu satisfied within the main game. I have to say that the mini games are just as much fun to play as the main game and in some cases, even more fun. For example, check out the dungeon game (classic roguelike) and the bridge crossing game which emits an amazingly abrupt  8-bit death scream when you die. Trust me, it’s worth dying just to hear it! Plus they are all done in the same consistently glorious retro 8-bit style that the main Cthulhu game is presented in. Much fun, and despair is here to be had by all who dare enter the world of Cthulu Virtual Pet! Enjoy!

Developer: NeuroCreativa
Download them for Android
Download them for iOS

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